Sunday, November 16, 2008

Read. the CLUE!!!

The day I've been waiting for has arrived. Terrance and Sarah are now gone! Hallejuh! Photo by

While I like this show, it makes me furious. Why or WHY can't people read the clue!

Tonight, NOT reading the clue was almost the undoing of the Frat Boys.

And I kinda want them to win the race because they seem to be the everyman that does this. There are TWO Non-elimination legs left, I'm guessing one will be next week and the other the week after with the finale coming in December.

Tonight the two teams that participated in the fast forward had to eat some nasty sheep's butt and it I were on the race, it would be at this point I'd say. "We've lost. Take me to the hotel."

So who's left: Ken and Tina who've calmed down but I still hate her. Nick and Starr who I hate. and Toni and Dallas who I LOVE. So I'm rooting for them or the frat boys. Sadly, I think Nick and Starr might have this inthe bag.

It's not you, it's not me well, it is you, more than me...

Lily Tomilin and Kathryn Joosten make "Desperate Housewives" must see Sunday TV. Photo by

I am way too busy.
I realized this today when I fell asleep this afternoon, while working on a project for the second job.
Along the way, I also realized that I've been neglecting this blog and that's sad because blogging makes me very happy.
Luckily, in the next few days, I'll be getting some free time as some shows are going on winter hiatus or just leaving the airwaves.
By far, my favorite show has been "The Real Housewives of Atlanta.". It also seems as America has fallen in lovewith the group too as they were featured in The Bible aka "Enterainment Weekly." along with some of Bravo's other stars. The finale airs Tuesday at 10 p.m and to show you how much I love this show, I'm going to RECORD "Law and Order: SVU" and watch "Housewives" instead.

My other favorite show has let me down. "America's Next Top Model." While I still love this show, I wasn't feeling this cycle AT all! I'm calling McKey for the win on Wednesday. I'm hoping to watch it at a friend's house on her flat-screen TV, that is if we can find the vermin who "misplaced it" at Fed EX.

Thursday night will free up in a few weeks. We're doing the merge on "Survivor" and it looks as if it could be anyone's game at this point. I have NO one to root for but I don't want this guy to win.

"Ugly Betty" is still on point and it looks as if they finally are getting back to what we loved on Season 1. Although whomever is dressing Betty needs to be fired. There's ugly and there's tragic. We clearly are into tragic territory.

Sunday has been getting better and better. I'm actually watching "60 Minutes" these days and then that bleeds over to "The Amazing Race" and then to "Desperate Housewives."

"DH" is back to Season 1 good. At first, I was skeptical with the five-year jump, but it appears it was JUST what this show needed!