Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hot stuff here

Oh Tyra, you and this show is truly larger than life. Photo by
This is like the BEST. SEASON EVER!

We see Dominique is thrilled and overconfident from being spared from elimination last week while Lauren is a little shocked why she's still there. Fatima is just Fatima. Ick.

This week's early challenge: Taking quick change lessons from Miss Jay. Of course they run and scream and run and scream some more.

Fatima ticks Miss Jay off by not changing competely. The girls then have to do runway walks in front of Miss Jay and the firemen who look pleased as punch. It made me feel sort icky because they were oogling these girls. Don't they like have WORK to do?

Claire does fantastic and so does Whitney. Dominque thinks she's the stuff and Whitney gives the classic line "I know drag queens that walk better than Dominque."

Miss Jay hates Fatima's walk and is fearful of Lauren who looks like she's running away from the mall. Miss Jay helps her and then Amis does HER walk and it's more skipping than walking.

Claire and Aimee get into a who needs to pee and who needs to shower. Finally they gang up on Aimee and Marvita leads the charge of "Let's attack Aimee." But she winds up looking stupid.

Later, it's another Tyra mail (I hate that they all gather and read aloud. It's so second-grade).

Bryan Bradley stops by and the girls have to walk in a Tuleh fashion show. It seems so very runway this week.

And then Miss Jay introduces the girls to Jaslene and Ann Shoket of Seventeen magazine. Jasline actually looks great!

The winner of this challenge will be with Jaslene in a Lot 29 advertorial. Dominique weighs in and I'm betting she's goign to fall on her face.

I then notice that Dominique has a new more golden hair color and it looks better. Miss Jay kicks off the show and then the modeling begins after some Italian chatting. Stacy Ann was first and she looks GREAT! Whitney was good and then her boob pops out. Lauren comes out and she looks bad and scared.

Kat looks great and Fatima looks as if she's ready to catch the bus. Dominque and Marvita are awful. Claire is great and Amis is put in this Jackie O esque coat and it looks bad.

Aimee was great. Kat looks great. Jaslene ask Lauren if she wants to be there and says she's very disappointed. Of course she starts crying in the confessional but she holds it together while with the other.

Kat wins the challenge (Claire was ROBBED!) Kat picks Aimis and Marvita to be in the photo shoot. Why? I don't know.

At the photo shoot the girls look half-way decent. Marvita looks extra girlly. Jaslene shows the girls how it's done and it looks wonderful.

Lauren's self esteem takes a hit and keeps talking about what Jaslene said. She needs to get over it.

Wow, it's ANOTHER Tyra mail? This time the girls are off to a Meat Packing District. Mr Jay shows up in a ugly old coat. And he tells them that they are going to be wearing meat. Whitney tells the audience that she eats steaks so it won't bother her to actually put it on. My question: What happens to the meat when they are done?

Fatima poses and it looks not too bad but not great. Kat brings her A game and then Stacie Ann struggles.
Whitney is OK. Marvita comes out ready to kick some _ meat.

Lauren looks more ticked than model-y. Dominque takes some risqus and then its on the meat and it doesn't look too bad. Aimee feels uncomfortable and it shows. Aimis is grossed out and then looks like a hot mess.

Aimee feels like she might be a target. Dominique is sure she's staying. Lauren is a little nervous because of the runway thing. Amis is still sleepy and is dragging. She looks awful. Like homeless, begging for quarters awful.

After the break, Tyra sings and it's awful. But we knew that already!
And then it's time to see the photos. They stank. It was really bad, bad. Whoever came up with this challenge needs to be fired.

I didn't like a single one. Claire looks awful.When Lauren comes for judging Miss Jay busts her for bad walking. She's this season's Heather.

And so, then Tyrant (yes) unveils the top 8: Anya, Whitney, Kat, (and she gets a directive of putting in a bun), Claire, Dominique, Stacie Ann, Lauren and she gets the directive of work on her runway walk, Marvita, Aimee. And then we have the bottom two: Fatima and Aimis. Amis gets dinged for her craziness and Fatima gets dinged for modeling from the waist down (WTH?).

Amis gets the boot and Fatima cries. Amis looks like "yeah, whatev."

Episode grade: B