Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's Saturday night: Do you know where good TV is?

Thank god Superman and Co. saved the evening after a crappy day. Photo by Wikipedia.

Today has been a crappy today. I went out and ran some errands today and came home to a leaky roof! I don't know how or why but my roof is leaking and it sucks. It's stopped (for now) and so I wanted to relax and unwind with some TV.

But unfortunately there's nothing on. Nada. Zip. Zero. So I did something I haven't done in a while and that's pull out old DVDs I own. The first one was "Justice League Unlimited" and so I had to watch my favorite episode "Grudge Match" which has Huntress, Black Canary, Hawkgirl and Vixen fighting Wonder Woman. Watch the clip, it's the meat of the episode.

So this then put me in the mood to watch Wonder Woman Season 1 and that reminded me of the AWFUL pilot that starred Arte Johnson and Cloris Leachman. It's soo hysterically bad it's good. Bad green screen, bad acting, a bad wonder spin And speaking of BAD WONDER SPINS (Seriously, this is sooo hysterically bad it's not even funny!) And then I had to watch my FAVORITE Wonder Woman episode ever! so this crappy day turned into a really good night!