Last Wednesday, Fox debuted a new reality show called "Anchorwoman" where a former swimsuit model, Lauren Jones, worked as an anchorwoman at a CBS affiliate in Tyler, Texas.
Months before the show hit the air, it was getting poor reviews and even "Good Morning America" got in on the act. Note how snooty, Diane and Robin are.
Well I watched it, and it wasn't half bad. Lauren is actually endearing and you could tell she really wanted to learn. Some of her co-workers had big sips of the hater-aide and wanted no part of it. The rest of the episodes are going to be aired on Fox on Demand so be prepared to watch.
I think Fox made a big mistake and hopefully it'll get picked up on another network. Or you could go to those deep dark places on the Internet where the episodes are.
Monday, August 27, 2007
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