Friday, December 28, 2007

Checking out "The Office"

So far, I'm digging "The Office" at least Season 1.

My colleagues, Mike S and Karla P have been telling me how good "The Office" is. My friend Leslie told me she was watching it tonight and so since three people I care about say it's good, I'm went home and watched the copy that Karla lent me Season 1 to watch. And after two episodes my partner and I have been laughing our you know what's off.

Early impressions: I love Pam. Steve Carell's character is so funny and I'm warming up to Rainn Wilson.

We're working our way through Season 1 right now and I think we'll be adding Season 2 to our Netflix list. I'm sorry I'm late to the party on this, but I'm here now.