Sunday, April 06, 2008

Am I still cool?

My friend Jump the Snark, Ani, David B, Rose W and a few others have been on my case again.

These folks are in my circle of coolness along with Leslie, Liz, Karla and Pat.

Practically ALL of them have been on my butt to jump on the "Battlestar" train. I don't know why, but I guess I'm NOT a true die hard Sci-fi person or something.

I mean I haven't even seen "Star Wars" and fell into "Star Trek" sheerly by accident. As I'm writing this, I'm wearing this cool T-shirt that my friends Rose and Jeff bought me when they went up to Long Beach to check out an exhibit.
So for those of you who missed BSG on Friday, here's a little gift for you above!


Mrs. Wong said...

Glad to see you are back on your blog; I missed you. Anyways, unfortunately I don't have the Sci-Fi channel on my cable service...but I'm more of the old Battlestar Galactica series from when we were kids.

Mrs. Wong said...

Also, I finally saw Star Wars (starting with 4, A New Hope) when it came around for the 20th family likes the newer ones more than me; the boys are really into it!

TheRemoteBelongsToMe said...

yay! Mrs. Wong is back. It's been crazy but I'm back blogging!